
Showing posts from March, 2023

Eligibility to appear in LDCE after refusal of offer of promotion

It has come to the notice of Directorate that Circles are finding difficulties to decide eligibility of official. for appearing in Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE), who had qualified in earlier LDCE but refused to accept the offer of promotion. In this context, primarily following issues need to be decided:- a) whether an official, who had refused offer of promotion, will be eligible for appearing  in LDCE for the next vacancy year; and b) if allowed and such official qualifies in the LDCE, at what point of time the official  will be issued offer of promotion? 2. As per prevailing Government instructions [Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms OM No.22034/3/81-Estt(D) dated 01.10.1981], an official who has refused promotion shall not be issued fresh promotion orders for a period of one year from the date of such refusal. 3. Taking into consideration the available Government instructions, it is clarified as under:- a) An official who has refused an offer

Glimpses of Rule:171

> Few Details about PPF account & Loan: Eligible from the 3rd financial year to 6th financial year from the year of opening. 25% if the balance held on 31st March of the 2nd preceding year in which loan was applied. To be repaid in Lumpsum or Installments not exceeding 36 months. Loan Interest: If repaid within 36 months - 1% Not repaid / partially paid - 6%. Subsequent loan is allowed if previous repaid with interest. Only one loan in a financial year. = Withdrawal: loan is Allowed from 7th financial year from the year of opening till closure. Only one withdrawal in a financial year. No interest on the withdrawal amount. Max 50% of the balance held on 31st March of the preceding year or 4th preceding year whichever is lower. Premature closure: Can be closed only after 5 years excluding the year of opening - for serious ailments or life threatening diseases of the dependent children, spouse, parents and self: Higher education of account holder and dependent children on productio

Glimpses of Rule:179

Chapter 9: Rule 110 of POSB CBS Manual- Senior citizen Savings scheme:- SCSS Introduced w.e.f 02.08.2004. Rule 110 Eligibility to open account Individual who has attained 60 years of age. Individual who attained 55 years of age or more but less than 60 who retired on superannuation or otherwise on the date of opening the account, subject to the condition that the account is opened within one month of the date of receipt of the retirement benefits and proof of date of disbursal of such retirement benefit(s) along with a certificate from the employer indicating the fact of retirement on superannuation or otherwise, retirement benefit, employment held and period of such employment with the employer is attached with the application form. ▸ Defence personnel can open account on attaining 50 years of age subject to fulfilment of other above specified conditions. Calculation of 30 days after retirement: Facility of opening multiple account is available under the scheme, the retired person can