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Post Office MPKBY (Mahila Pradhan Khestriya Bachat Yojna) Complete Rulngs

Post Office MPKBY (Mahila Pradhan Khestriya Bachat Yojna) Complete Rulngs [Issued vide MOF (DEA) letter NO. F.1(1)-NS/71 dated 29.1.1972 and NSC Nagpur letter No. 42327-78/MGC(s)(3) 81 dated 5.12.1981 and further amended from time to time.] PART-1 RULES OF THE SCHEME The Scheme will be called the ‘Mahila Pradhan Kshetriya Bachat Yojana’. Objectives:- The objectives of the ‘Mahila Pradhan Kshetriya Bachat Yojana’ are as under :- To educate housewives in family budgeting. To inculcate the habit of thrift among households and self-employed people. To canvass for and secure investments in P.O. 5-year recurring Deposit Accounts from small savers. To raise resources for financing development and defence of the country. Date of Introduction :- The Mahila Pradhan Kshetriya Bachat Yojana has come into force with effect from the 1st April, 1972. Scope of Agency :- The Agency will be confined to canvassing for and receiving investments in the Post Office 5-Year Reccuring Deposit Accounts. The App