
Showing posts with the label Agent's

DOP GUIDE live on Google Play Store

  Our  DOP GUIDE lives in the Google Play Store.  Click below for download from Google Play Store

Action Plan to "Identify potential areas of corruption related to Departmental activities/functions and develop action plan to mitigate them"- implementation of the action plan regarding.

Action Plan to "Identify potential areas of corruption related to Departmental activities/functions and develop action plan to mitigate them"- implementation of the action plan regarding.

Congregation of SAS/MPKBY Agents in Post Offices:-

1.3. Congregation of SAS/MPKBY Agents in Post Offices:- 1. Instances have come to the notice where SAS/MPKBY agents are seen congregating in the post offices soliciting business from the public who approach the post office directly for investment. This practice is against the rules. 2. The Small savings agent is expected to make contact with customers at their residence/ office etc. to explain to them the advantages of savings instruments and secure business by motivating them for investment. The very purpose of their appointment is defeated if they grab the ready business from the public coming to post offices for investment directly at the counter. The agents should not sit in post offices for canvassing business. 3. In this regard, instructions have been issued from time to time. You are requested to reiterate these instructions to all Postmasters once again and impress upon them to take necessary steps to avoid such congregation of small savings agents in the post offices. 4. A clo