Appendix XIV – Payment of Pension to Railway Pensioners

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Appendix XIV – Payment of Pension to Railway Pensioners

Note: As per GSPR 2018, no separate category of pension account will be opened from

18.12.2019 and all existing pension accounts are to be treated / converted as normal PO

Savings Account, if the pensioner has no other PO Savings Single Account.


1. A Railway employee about to retire and opting for this scheme will have to furnish a letter of authority and undertaking in form at Annexure-1 in favour of the Postmaster concerned to receive his/her monthly pension for credit in his/her Savings account to his/her pension sanctioning authority (FA&CAO/Divisional/Workshop Accounts Officer) along with the application for pension. The letter of authority and undertaking will indicate the name of the post office through which the pensioner wishes to draw his/her pension after retirement. It will also contain an undertaking by the pensioners that any excess payment made towards his/her pension and credited to his/her Savings account may be recovered or withdrawn from the Savings  account by the Postmaster/Sub Postmaster.


2. After the pension is sanctioned and the PPO is issued, the FA&CAO/Divisional/Workshop Accounts Officer will forward to the concerned Director of Accounts (Postal) the following documents under intimation to the pensioner:

(i) PPO (disburser's and pensioner's portion).

(ii) Specimen signature of pensioner duly attested.

(iii) Photograph/Joint photograph of the pensioner duly attested. (iv) Letter of authority and under taking (Annexure 1).


The PPO will contain a note that the pension is to be credited to the Savings Pension Accounts of the Pensioner to the opened at __________post office.

3. The Director of Accounts (Postal) will forward the pension documents and letter of authority referred to above to Head Post Office concerned after keeping a record of the necessary particulars relating to the pensioner in a register to be maintained for this purpose in his/her office.

4. On receipt of the PPO along with letter of authority the Postmaster will make the entries of the PPO in a register of PPOs in form “Pension 2” to be opened separately for Railway Pensioners. Additional columns showing the Savings Account No. and the name of the post office where it stands will be improvised in this register. The letter of authority will be kept in a separate guard file and will bear the serial number of the register of the pension payment order. The guard file will be kept in the personal custody of the Postmaster.

5. If the account of pensioner is to stand at a Sub Post Office the Head Offices will forward the following documents to the sub office:


(i) A copy of the PPO with endorsement thereon “made payable at ……………. Sub office w.e.f ………………….”

(ii) A copy of the photograph/joint photograph.

(iii) Specimen signature.

(iv) Pensioner's half of the P.P.O.


The Postmaster of HO will credit the pension on the last working day of each month except the month of March when it will be credited on the first working day of April. He/She will also issue an intimation to this effect to the pensioner requesting him, simultaneously to present himself at the Head Office or the Sub Office where the account is to stand for the purpose of opening of the Savings account.

6. When the pensioner attends the post office, the Head/Sub Postmaster will, on proper identification of the pensioner, open a Savings account with a credit of a first pension payment observing the normal procedure of opening Savings account after obtaining an application form SB-AOF and KYC documents etc. On the pensioner's half of the PPO the Postmaster/Sub Postmaster, will make a note of the payment of the first pension and hand over the same to the pensioner.

6A. Further entries in the pensioner's half of the PPO will be made only in the following

circumstances: -


(a) When a change occurs in the quantum of pension and the relief admissible thereon due to revision of pension, increase in relief, etc. giving reason for this variation.

(b) When the paying post office is to be changed.

(c) The pensioners will have the option to have the entries made in their half of the PPO at the appropriate time by presenting to the paying post office.

7. In the case of an existing pensioner who wishes to draw his/her pension through Post Office, the documents will be received from the Treasury Officer under his/her special seal by the Director/Deputy Director of accounts (Postal) who will arrange payment through the desired Post Office. The specimen of the special seal of the Treasury Officer and his/her specimen signature will be given to the Director/Deputy Director of Accounts (Postal) in advance for this purpose.

The Director /Deputy Director of accounts (Postal) will address the F.A.&C.A.O./Divisional/Workshop Accounts Officer in this regard and ask for confirmations in the proforma vide Annexure II. In the case of existing Railway Pensioners who opt to draw pension through Post Office Savings Bank both the halves of the PPO would be received by

the concerned Post Office through the Director of Postal Accounts along with other documents. A note will be made of the payment of the first pension in the Pensioner's portion of the PPO which will be handed over to the pensioner when he presents himself for receiving the first payment.


8. Commutation: - The pensioner will apply to the Pensioner sanctioning authority who will sanction the commutation and indicate also the revised amount of pension. This will be conveyed to the Director of Account (Postal) who will suitably advise the Head Postmaster. The Head Postmaster will make a suitable note in both the copies of the PPO under his/her dated signature quoting the said authority. The reduction in the amount of pension on account of commutation shall become operative from the date of payment of commuted value of pension to the pensioner or 3 months from the date of issue of the letter by the competent authority asking the pensioner to collect the commutation money whichever is earlier. The commutation money will also be paid by credit to the savings pensions account.

9. Credit of Pension: - In the last week of the month Head Postmaster will prepare a separate schedule (pension-4) for such pensioners in quadruplicate with an additional column of the number of savings account. The words 'Railway Pensioners will be written in red ink at the top of each copy of the schedule. In the Head Post Office, the Postmaster will sign all the four copies  of the schedule and pass on the third and fourth copies to the APM (SB) under receipt on the last working day except for the month of March when it will be credited on 1st working day of April. Pension credit to savings account of pensioner should be done only at head post office. Postmaster/APM shall be responsible for correct upload of amount of pension into pensioner’s savings account. The postmaster will also send an intimation to this effect to the pensioner requesting him to present himself at the Head or Sub Office for the purpose of opening of the savings account and crediting of the first pension. An SMS alert about credit of pension will also be sent to the pensioners mobile. The Head Postmaster of the office will charge the amount of pension under a separate head, “Pension payment to Railway Pensioners” in the Head Office Summary and other relevant records by per contra credit to the Savings accounts of the pensioners under the normal procedure. The APM(SB) will after crediting the amount in the respective saving accounts on the last working day of the month endorse the following certificate under his/her dated signature on both the copies of the schedule.

“Certified that the amount shown above have been credited in the respective accounts on………”.

He/She will return one copy of the schedule to the Pension Branch and retain the other copy for is/her record which will be kept in a separate guard file. Entry of pension credited to SB accounts will reflect in the LOT generated automatically in Finacle, a single pay-in-slip may be prepared for the total amount of pension credited. and copy of the schedule is attached to LOT in support of the entries. On receipt of the copy from APM (SB) the Postmaster will furnish under his/her dated signature a certificate on three copies of the schedule that the pension amount of pensioners included in the schedule have been credited to the respective Savings Accounts of the Pensioners. The copy of the schedule which bears the certificate of the A.P.M. (SB) will be kept as office copy, and the original and the second copy of the schedule will be sent to the Postal Accounts Office with the month's Cash Account.


Note:- The monthly pension schedules should be prepared Railway wise and contain all the information referred to in para 14.1 of the Scheme. The schedules may be sent to the Postal Accounts Office along with the cash account in support of the charge.


10. Income Tax Deductions: - The pensioners may intimate to the Postmaster/Sub Postmaster the amount of income tax, if any, to be deducted from the pension during the course of the year. The amount of income tax will be deducted from the pension in monthly installments or in installments as per instructions of the pensioners and shown in the schedule of pension payment (Pen-4). In such cases net amount of pension will be credited to the Savings Account of pensioner. The amount of income tax deduced will also be noted in both the copies of the PPO. At the close of the financial year the Head Postmaster will furnish a certificate in form at Annexure III to the pensioner showing the gross amount of the pension paid in the year and the total amount of deductions made on the account of income tax.


Note:- Normally provisions of para 12 of the scheme will be observed by the Head Post Office and when there is no intimation from the pensioner, total amount of income tax will be  calculated by Head Post Office and intimated to the sub post office concerned, if the pensioner draws his/her pension at a sub post office.


11. Appearance of pensioners and furnishing of necessary certificates:- The pensioner will appear in person at least once a year either in June or December before the postmaster concerned. . As a Digital India initiative to facilitate Pensioners, Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY) has launched Jeevan Pramaan portal. Now the pensioner may use the Aadhaar enabled Biometric authentication mechanism to generate Digital Life Certificate. The accounts branch of HO will view/monitor/download the Digital Life Certificate. The pensioner will also send a non employment certificate in form at Annexure-V once a year in the month of November each year. In case the pensioner fails either to appear in person or send the life and non-employment certificate, the pension will not be automatically credited to his/her account.. The DLC and non-employment certificate will be attached to the concerned schedule which will be sent to the Postal Accounts Office. A note of the receipt of these certificate will be made in the remarks column of the register of PPO against the concern pensioner under the dated initials of the Postmaster.


12. The Postmaster will not credit the amount of pension in the savings account of the pensioner unless the conditions laid down in para 11 are fulfilled by the pensioner. The Postmaster concerned will send an in intimation at once to the pensioner regarding the particular deficiency which has resulted in the stoppage of automatic credit of pension. If the pensioner does not furnish the DLC once in year, the Postmaster/Sub Postmaster will make enquiries above the whereabouts of the pensioner at the address available in the post office record. In case it is found that the pensioner had expired, the date of death will be got ascertained and noted in the PPO under the initials of the Postmaster. Further credit of the pension of the Savings Account will be stopped.


13. In case of excess or wrong credit of pension because of the death of the pensioner, the amount excess credited will be withdrawn by the Postmaster from the savings account of the pensioner under his/her own signature on the basis of undertaking given by the pensioner in the authority letter and credited under the GL Head” sundry account (0324) in Finacle with suitable remarks. A remark to this effect will be made in the PPO also. In case the balance left in the account is so small that the full recovery is not possible, the amount of over payment will be intimated to Director of Account (Postal) by the Head Postmaster. Besides sending the intimation of pension which cannot be recovered, a detailed report through the next superior Authority showing the exact circumstances in which the over payment has been made may also be sent to the Postal Account Office within one month.


14. Transfer of pension: - When a pensioner applies for the transfer of his/her pension to another post office the following procedure will be followed: -

(i) When the Savings Account of the pensioner is transferred from one sub post office to another sub post office under the same head office, the post office hitherto making payments will transfer the disburser's copy of the PPO along with the documents to the Head Office. The head office after making a note to transfer in his/her record and the disburser's copy of the PPO will transfer the documents to the new sub post office. No advice to the Director of Accounts (Postal) will be necessary.


(ii) If the savings account of the pensioner is transferred from one Head Office to another under the jurisdiction of same Postal Account Office, the Head Postmaster will transfer the PPO along with other documents to the transferee Head Office. A note to this effect will be made in the register of PPOs so that no-further payment is made by his/her office. He/She will intimate the transferee Head Office as also the Postal Accounts Office the month upto which the pension of the pensioner has been credited in his/her account. The transferee head office will acknowledge the receipt of the pension papers and will intimate the Postal Accounts Office the month from which he has to commence pension payments and the case mark of the transferee Head Office.

(iii) If the transfer of the saving account is from one head office to another head office within the jurisdiction of another postal Account Office, the transferring Head Postmaster will return the PPO and other documents to the Postal accounts Office which originally issued the authority for the payment of pension. The Director of accounts (Postal) will arrange the payment of pension though the Director of Accounts (Postal) of the transferee head post office.

(iv) In all cases of transfer of payment from one post office to another the Director of Accounts (Postal) should send an intimation to the FA&CAO, concerned.


16. Receipt of Family Pension: - The amount of family pension payable to the widow/widower of the deceased pensioner is also given in the pension payment order. When she/he becomes entitled to receive family pension, the Head Postmaster will obtain the following documents from the Name Date of birth by Christian era Widow/ Widower

Sons Unmarried Daughters widow/widower who will also be asked to open a Savings Account in

her/her name.

(i) Death certificate of the pensioner

(ii) Application for the family pension in the form at Annexure VI

(iii) A copy of the photograph and

(iv) A letter of authority and undertaking at Annexure 1.


Note:- See note 1 under para 2 above.


17. On receipt of the above documents the Head Postmaster will authorize the concerned post office to start paying family pension to the widow/widower as mentioned in the PPO after necessary scrutiny and verification of the documents. The head post office will also send an intimation to this regard to the Director of accounts (Postal) in the form at Annexure VII. The Director of Accounts (Postal) will in turn inform the Railways accounting Authority. A declaration in the form at Annexure VIII from the pensioner whose family pension is terminable on marriage/remarriage will be sent to the office twice a year in June and December. The  certificate contained in the declaration will be countersigned by a responsible officer or a well-known person.


18. The Director of Accounts (Postal) will consolidate the total amount of pension paid to Railway Employees from the schedule submitted by Head Post Office every month. He/She will then raise debit for the amount against the Railway Accounts Officer concerned.


19. Procedure for revision of pensioner benefits to Railway Pensioners/ Family Pensions:-

1) Consequent upon an amendment to the Central Treasury Rules by the Ministry of Finacle vide their O.M. No. 23014/1634/MF/CGA/991 dated 12.3.1980, introducing para 333A, the following revised procedure is prescribed for adoption in respect of Railway pensioners for revision of their pensioners of one reason or the other.

(i) Payment of pensions through Treasury:- In cases where revision of pension becomes necessary for some reason (s), the pension will be revised by the concerted Railway Accounts Officer through a formal letter of amendment to the Pension Payment Authority already issued, indicating revised rate of pension and graded relief due thereon along with the date from which the payment rate is to be made. The amendment letter will be issued under the special seal by the Railway Accounts Officer to the Treasury Officer is all cases where the PPOs were issued by them on and after 1.1.1979 the date from which the work of issuing Pension Payment Orders was entrusted to the Railway Accounts Officer. In the cases i.e. where PPOs were issued by Accountant General prior to 1.1.1979, the amendment letters so issued will be sent to the Treasury Officer through the Accountant General concerned. A copy of the amendment letter on both the cases will be sent to the pensioner after noting the said amendment in the Register of Pension Payment Orders maintained by the Railway Accounts Officers. The amendments will also be noted in both the halves of the Pension Payment Orders by the Treasury Officer under his/her attestation quoting, as authority, the Railway accounts Officer's letter and Accountant General's endorsement or both as the case may be. A note will also be kept by him on the original amendment letter that necessary corrections have been made in both the halves of the PPO.


(ii) Payment of pensions through Post Offices:- (1) The Railway Accounts Officers will forward the formal amendment letters to the Director/Deputy Director of Accounts (Postal) concerned, who will send the same to the Head Post Office. The Head Post Office, after carrying out the amendments in the record, forward the same to the paying posts office, authorizing the payment of the revised pension with graded relief. The paying post office will carry out the amendments in both the halves of the Pension Payment Orders quoting reference of the authority letter issued by the Railway Accounts Officer and Director of Accounts (Postal) endorsement. A note will also be kept on the original amendment letter that necessary corrections have been made in both the halves of the Pension Payment Order.

(2) In case where recovery on account of graded relief becomes due as a result of revision of pension, payment on account of additional gratuity, if any, payable due to revision, will invariably be indicated in the amendment letter to the Pension Payment Order for the purpose of adjustment against any amount still remaining un recovered may be adjusted against subsequent payments of graded relief due on the revised amount of pension.


20. Grant of additional relief to Railway pensioners:- It has been decided by the Ministry of Railway(Railway Board) that in further no separate orders will be issued by them in regard to grant of additional relief to Railway pensions. The order issued by the Ministry of Finance granting additional relief to Central civil pensioners may be acted upon for Railway Pensioners also. The Director/Deputy Director of Postal Accounts will take necessary in this regard.


21. Submission of life certificate by pensioners drawing their pension through P.O.S.B.:- (1) The pensioners will furnish a DLC once in a year . Now the pensioner need not visit office of Disbursing Agency for physical submission of Life Certificate and may use the Aadhaar enabled Biometric authentication mechanism to generate Digital Life Certificate In case a pensioner is unable to obtain a DLC from the postmaster on account of serious Illness / incapacitation etc., an intimation to this effect supported by a medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner about his/her inability to appear in person may be sent by him/her to the officer-in-charge of the paying post office so that the latter may visit the pensioner at his/her residence/hospital for the purpose of recording the Life Certificate.





*I hereby authorities the Postmaster/Sub Postmaster to receive my monthly pension on my behalf and credit the same to my Savings Account (Pension) on the last working day or every month as per particulars given below:-


(i) Name in full …………………………………………......…………..................…..

(ii) Particulars of Post Office/Sub Post Office ..….…………...................................….

(iii) Particulars of Head Post Office concerned ………………...................................…

(iv) Savings Account (Pension) No ……………………………..………......................

(v) Amount of pension per month (in words) …………………….................................

(vi) Designation, Office and Railways where working at the time of retirement ………..…


**2. I am a Railway pensioner drawing my pension from the Treasury at ……………. ………… I wish to draw my pension through post office and accordingly I hereby authorize the  Postmaster/Sub Postmaster to receive my monthly pension on my behalf and credit the same to my Savings Account (Pension) on the last working day of every month as per particular given below:-


(i) Name in full ………………………………….......................................................……

(ii) Designation, Office and the Railway where working at the time of retirement.............

(iii) Post Office/Sub Post Office from where I want to draw pension in future ……………

(iv) Particulars of the Head Post Office concerned ……………...........................................

***(v) Savings Accounts (Pension) No …......................................……………………………

(vi) Pension Payment Order No …………………….........................................…………….

(vii) Amount of pension per month (in words) …………………....................................……. (viii) Treasury from which it is now being drawn ………………….....................................…

3. I agree to undertake that any amount of excess/wrong payment of pension if credited to my above Savings Account may be recovered or withdrawn from the said Savings Account by the Postmaster/Sub Postmaster.

4. This authority shall remain in force until due notice in writing of its revocation is given by me.



Signature of the Government Servant / Railway Pensioner

Signature of witness

1.Name…………..............……….. Father's Name…….........…….



Signature of witness

2.Name………..............…………. Father's Name.....................



*Para 1 is to be filed in by Retiring Government Servant only.

**Para 2 is to be filled in only by existing Railway pensioners who opt for the Scheme.

***To be filled in at the time of first personal appearance of the pensioner before the

Postmaster/Sub Postmaster.







The Director/Deputy Director of Accounts (Postal)



The F.A. & C.A.O/Divisional/Workshop Accounts Officer


Subject:-Option exercised by Railway Pensioner for drawing his/her pension through post office instead of through Treasury.



This is to intimate that the Railway Pensioner named below who had been drawing his/her pension through the Treasury has now opted to draw pension through the post office.


The details are as under:-

(i) Name of pensioner …………………………………….............……………………

(ii) Father's name …..….……………………………………………...............…………

(iii) Designation/Office and Railway from which retired ………………….......…………

(iv) Pension Payment Order No ………………………………………………………......

(v) Pension Payment Order issued by Accountant General…………………….......…….

(vi) Pension Payment Authority No …………………………………………...........……

(vii) Pension Payment authority issued by …………………………………...........……..

(viii) Amount of pension (per month) ………………………………………............…….

(ix) Post Office from where pension is desired to be drawn……………………........…….

(x) Particulars of treasury from where pension was drawn hitherto…………......…..

(xi) Head Post Office concerned ………………………………………….............……

(xii) Month up to which pension was drawn from the treasury …………........….………

(xiii) Month from which pension will be paid by the post office……………….........…….

The Postmaster is being directed to do the needful. Please note that debits for pension paid to the above named Railway Pensioner will be raised against your Railway with effect from the month of ………… The receipt of this intimation may please be acknowledged by return of post.

Director/Dy. Director Accounts (Postal) --------------------------------------------




Certified that following amount have been recovered on account of Income Tax and

Surcharge on Income Tax from the amount of pension credited to the Savings Account

(Pension) of the pensioner named below:

1. Name of the pensioner

2. Financial year

3. Amount of pension 4. Income Tax

5. Surcharge on Income Tax.


Date……....……… …………… Head Post Office



Certified that I have seen the pensioner Shri/Smt…………….(Name of the pensioner) holder of Pension Payment Order No…………………..and that he/she is alive on this date.




                                                                             Signature & Name…………………………

    Designation of Authorized Officer (with seal)

(Those who cannot produce DLC, annexure IV may be collected manually).





I declare that I have not received any remuneration for serving in any capacity in an establishment of the Central Government or State Government or a Government Undertaking or from a local Fund during the period of December to May, 20 ………….June to November, 20……… I declare that I have been employed/re-employed in the Office of ……………and was in receipt of the following emoluments during the period*……………………. I declare that I have / have not accepted any employment after obtaining/without obtaining sanction of the Government (to be furnished by Central Service Class 1 Officer during first two years from the date of retirement). I declare that I have/have not accepted any employment under any Government outside India after obtaining/without obtaining sanction of the Government (to be furnished by Central Service Class 1 Officer only).delete whichever is not applicable *to be specified.


Place………........….                                                   Signature ………………………………

Date……….........….                                                  Name of the Pensioner …………………

P.P.O. No………....…………………….





Form T.R. 40 A (Modified)

(Family Pension Scheme for Central Government Employees 1964)


Application for a family pension for the family of the Shri/Smt……………………

Designation……………………….….. in the office of …...............…………………………..

1. Name of the applicant

2. Relationship to the deceased Government servant/pensioner.

3. Date of retirement, if the deceased was a pensioner.

4. Date of death of Government Servant/Pensioner.

5. Names and ages of surviving Kids of the deceased.

Name Date of birth by Christian era Widow/ Widower  Sons Unmarried Daughters

6. Name of the Head Post Office and its sub post office through which the deceased pensioner was drawing his/her pension and his/her option of Post Office at which payment is desired.

7. Name of post office at which Payment is desired.

8. Signature or left thumb impression in the case of those who are not literate enough To sign their names.

9. Descriptive roll of ……… widow/widower/guardians of the minor children of late………..

(i) Date of birth………......................…………..

(ii) Personal marks, if any, on hand or face…..

(iii) Left hand thumb & finger impressions

Small finger/Ring finger/middle finger/index finger.

10. Full address of applicant ……………………………


Attested by                                         Witness by

1.                                                         1.

2.                                                         2.



FORM OF INTIMATION (Form T.T. 40-B (modified)


From, Postmaster …………………………PO



The Director of Accounts (Postal) …………………………………..

No………………………………… Date ……………………………….



I am to inform you that Shri/Smt. ……………..holder of Pension Payment Order No……………. who was drawing his/her pension from this post office through Savings Account No…………….died on…………… The first payment of family pension @  Rs…………..Rupees…………….only) per month has been made to Shri/Smt. For the period from………… …………….through his/her Savings Account No………………Before making the said payment the death certificate the application form and the other documents prescribed have been obtained from the claimant and accepted after necessary scrutiny. I have also personally satisfied myself about the identity and title of the claimant.



Your faithfully,






I hereby declare that I am not married/I have not been married during the past six/twelve months.

Place……………….                                                   Signature…………………….....................

Date………….…….                                                  Name of the Pensioner…….......................

P.P.O. No………………….......................


I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that the above declaration is correct.


Signature of a responsible officer

Or a well-known person




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